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Algonquin College News

Update from the Learning Management System (LMS) Steering Committee

January 10, 2018

We understand this is a very busy time for everyone and the College community as a whole is dealing with many competing priorities. We have received a great amount of interest, with over 800 registrations, so we want to ensure that all those who are interested in providing their feedback are given a fair opportunity to do so. 

We are pleased to inform you that we have been able to obtain one more week of sandbox activity, with the deadline now being extended to Friday, Jan. 19.  With this extension, we are still able to meet our commitment to providing a recommendation to the Algonquin College Executive Team (ACET) by Jan. 31, to having your future vendor selected in February, and a new LMS implemented in the Fall of 2018!

Need a Reminder?

If you need a reminder about how to play or where to find the sandbox instructions, you can find those details and some additional tips on how you can more efficiently complete the sandbox use cases and evaluation, here

We value your opinion and want you to feel confident in the future LMS for Algonquin College!

Don’t forget to provide your feedback and complete the final evaluation form to select your preferred vendor. This is a very important step in having your voice heard! And to ensure you are eligible for a chance to win gift card prizes to vendors such as Tim Horton’s, Connections, Booster Juice, and more! 

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact

Thank you for helping shape the future of digital learning at Algonquin College!

Learning Management System Steering Committee