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Algonquin College News

New LMS website and information video!

September 12, 2017
The College is continuing to work hard on improving the Learning Management System here at Algonquin, and to start off the fall semester, we have just launched a new and improved website!

The website will be your one-stop-shop for all things LMS including news and updates on the current state of the LMS, details regarding the upcoming LMS sandbox and usability tests, and a running timeline so you can keep track of each stage of the progress.  You’ll also be able to watch vendor demonstrations, and provide your feedback to us at any time!

Information about the LMS Steering Committee, the mandate of the project team, and FAQ’s still remain, and much more content will be added in the coming months. 

This next phase in the implementation and selection of a future LMS is critical and we cannot do it without you.  Watch the new LMS information video to find out why, and how you can help shape the future of digital learning at Algonquin College, today!

Have a question about the LMS, email